A collection of well travelled luggage and baggage.

Protecting Your Baggage & Luggage on Holiday

Last updated: 7th June 2024

Are you planning a trip? If so, don't forget to purchase baggage and luggage insurance! This type of coverage is crucial because it protects your belongings in the event that they are lost, stolen, or damaged while you are travelling. Imagine arriving at your destination only to find that your suitcase, containing all your clothes and essential items, has been misplaced by the airline. Or consider the stress of having your backpack stolen, whilst at the beach.

No one wants to think about their belongings being lost or stolen, but it's better to be safe than sorry. With baggage and luggage insurance, you can rest assured knowing that you will be reimbursed for the cost of replacing your belongings if something does happen to them while you're on your trip. This peace of mind allows you to enjoy your travels without constantly worrying about the safety of your possessions. Whether you're going on a short weekend getaway or an extended international adventure, investing in baggage and luggage insurance can save you from potential headaches and financial losses.

Sitting with travel luggage waiting to board plane.

What is Baggage and Luggage Insurance?

Baggage and luggage insurance is a type of insurance that covers the repair or replacement of your personal belongings if they are delayed, damaged, lost, or stolen while you are travelling. Many travellers underestimate the potential costs associated with these losses, which can add significant stress and financial burden to a trip.

In addition to covering the cost of your belongings, baggage and luggage insurance often includes provisions for essential items if your baggage is delayed. This means you can purchase necessary clothing and toiletries while you wait for your luggage to be delivered, ensuring that your travel plans are not completely disrupted.

It can also give you peace of mind knowing that if something does happen to your belongings while you are away from home, you will be reimbursed for the cost of replacing them. The reassurance that comes with knowing you have a safety net in place allows you to focus on enjoying your travels instead of worrying about potential mishaps. Ultimately, baggage and luggage insurance is a small investment that can save you from considerable inconvenience and expense.


Baggage reclaim carousel in airport.

What Does Baggage and Luggage Insurance Cover?

Most baggage and luggage insurance policies have a per-item limit and a maximum total limit. This means that if you have an item that is particularly valuable, such as a laptop, camera, or expensive jewellery, you may want to purchase a separate policy that specifically covers that item. This ensures that you receive adequate compensation in case of loss or theft. Some policies will cover the cost of replacing lost or stolen items, while others will only reimburse you for the value of the item at the time it was lost or stolen.

It's crucial to read the fine print of any policy you are considering so that you know exactly what is and is not covered. For example, some policies may not cover items that are left unattended in a public place or those that you neglect to declare at the start of your journey. Additionally, certain exclusions might apply to high-risk items or activities. Being aware of these details can save you a lot of hassle and unexpected costs in the event of a claim.

You can also get coverage if your bags are delayed en route to your destination. Baggage delay coverage is a great way to cover the cost of essential items while you wait for your luggage to be delivered. This type of coverage typically includes reimbursement for items such as toiletries, a change of clothes, and other immediate necessities. Your baggage will need to be delayed for a specified period of time (usually between 6 and 24 hours) to be eligible for reimbursement - but this can really come in handy if things go wrong! In some cases, policies might even offer additional perks like access to airport lounges while you wait, making an inconvenient situation a bit more bearable.

Overall, understanding the specifics of your baggage and luggage insurance can greatly enhance your travel experience by providing peace of mind and financial protection against unexpected events.

Luggage loaded into the trunk of a car on way to the airport.

How Do I Purchase Baggage and Luggage Insurance?

There are a few different ways that you can purchase baggage and luggage insurance. You can buy it as part of a travel insurance policy, or you can purchase it separately from a baggage insurance company. Each option has its own set of benefits and considerations.

If you are buying it as part of a travel insurance policy, be sure to read the fine print carefully to see what is and is not covered. Some policies will only cover lost or stolen baggage, while others will also cover delays. Additionally, some policies might include coverage for damaged items, which can be particularly useful if you are travelling with fragile or expensive belongings. This type of coverage is most commonly found as part of All-Inclusive Travel Insurance packages. You can easily compare these on our site, allowing you to find a policy that best fits your travel needs and budget.

If you are buying baggage insurance separately, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you'll need to decide how much coverage you need. This will depend on the value of your belongings and how often you travel. For instance, if you are a frequent traveller with high-value items such as electronics or designer clothing, you might want a higher coverage limit. Second, be sure to compare prices and coverage from different companies before making a decision. Some companies might offer additional perks, such as worldwide coverage or a faster claims process. And finally, remember that baggage insurance is not a substitute for travel insurance. It's always a good idea to have both types of coverage to protect yourself from all sorts of travel mishaps, whether they involve your belongings or unexpected medical issues. Having comprehensive coverage ensures peace of mind, allowing you to enjoy your travels without worrying about potential setbacks.

What to do if Your Luggage Gets Lost?

Don't panic if you can't locate your luggage at the baggage claim after a safe journey to your destination. Although it may seem like an obvious thing to say, many people's first reaction is to panic. However, there's usually a reasonable explanation for a missing bag. Stay calm and think logically by asking individuals nearby if they've seen a bag resembling yours, scanning the surrounding area for any mistakenly grabbed bags, or asking airport staff if they have any information.

After ensuring you have thoroughly checked the surrounding area and waited at the baggage carousel until all bags have been unloaded, it may be time to seek help. Head to the nearest baggage office where you can scan your luggage stubs to verify if your bags were delayed and put on a different flight or if they were meant to be on your flight but got misplaced. The staff at the baggage office are trained to handle such situations and can offer further guidance once they have more information. They may ask you to fill out a baggage claim form and provide a detailed description of your luggage.

If the baggage office is unable to track your luggage, contact your airline immediately - whether by heading to their airport desk or calling them directly - as they are responsible for your luggage and will offer directions on what to do next. The airline might initiate a search for your bag and keep you updated on their progress. They may also provide compensation for any essential items you need to purchase while waiting for your luggage to be found.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to have a backup plan in case your luggage is lost or delayed. Ensure you have essentials such as toiletries, a change of clothes, and important documents in your carry-on. Having travel insurance that covers lost luggage can also provide peace of mind and financial relief in such situations.

Remember, while losing your luggage can be a stressful experience, staying calm and following the right steps can help resolve the issue more efficiently.

Some Handy Travel Tips for Your Baggage

Tag your baggage: The best way to protect your luggage when travelling is by ensuring it has a tag with your information. This includes your full name and detailed contact information such as your phone number and email address. This way, you can be reached quickly if anything happens to your luggage. Additionally, consider adding your travel itinerary inside your luggage for extra identification purposes.

Snap a picture of your luggage: Before you embark on your journey, take a clear picture of your luggage from multiple angles. This will be immensely helpful for officials if your baggage gets lost. With thousands of bags moving through airports every day, having photos and a detailed description can significantly expedite the recovery process. Include any unique markings or identifying features in your photos to make your luggage easier to recognize.

Ditch your old tags: If you are a frequent traveller, it's crucial to remove old baggage tags from previous flights. These outdated tags can cause confusion and may result in your luggage being misrouted. For each new journey, ensure your luggage is properly tagged with the current flight information to avoid any mix-ups at the airport.

Don't hang around the airport: Once your flight lands, make your way to baggage claim promptly. Luggage left on the belt for extended periods may be taken off-site for safekeeping, especially if another plane requires loading or unloading. By being proactive, you minimize the risk of your baggage getting misplaced or delayed.

Take out travel insurance: Investing in travel insurance that covers lost or delayed luggage provides additional peace of mind. This way, if your luggage does go missing, you'll have financial protection and assistance in recovering your belongings. Be sure to read the policy details to confirm that it includes adequate coverage for lost luggage, so you are well-prepared for any eventuality on your trip.

Ensuring your baggage is well protected while travelling can significantly enhance your overall travel experience. By understanding the ins and outs of baggage and luggage insurance, you can hedge against the financial and emotional stress that comes with lost, delayed, or damaged luggage. Coupling this with handy travel tips, such as tagging your baggage and taking photos, adds an extra layer of precaution.

Whether you opt for baggage insurance separately or as a part of a comprehensive travel insurance policy, taking these steps will allow you to travel with greater peace of mind and confidence. So next time you embark on a journey, make sure you are equipped with the right coverage and knowledge to enjoy your adventure to the fullest. Safe travels!

Get a quote

You'll typically find that baggage cover forms part of most all-inclusive plans. All providers have different levels of coverage and terms, so be sure to fully review the plan carefully when you compare quotes on our site.

Currently, we do not have plans that cover only luggage and baggage insurance. You can compare this coverage by looking at all-inclusive plans.

We do not offer stand-alone baggage insurance plans. You will need to compare all-inclusive coverage, and prices for these plans depend on a number of different factors.

An all-inclusive coverage bundle provides additional coverage on top of emergency medical expenses with benefits such as baggage loss/delay and trip cancellation/interruption.

Tommy Lloyd
Author: Tommy Lloyd, Managing Director

Tommy has over 15 years experience within the insurance industry, having worked with some of the worlds largest insurers. Tommy’s primary focus has been developing the best possible online experience for travellers looking to compare travel insurance rates. Music and travel are two of Tommy's greatest interests, and even better when he can combine the two together!


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